swimming pool care
Posted By Alsiya Bangat! Posted On

Learn how to make your swimming pool water cleaner and safer

It’s essential to know how to properly care for your swimming pool and the surrounding water. Regular pool maintenance is a must, but you also need to deeply understand the chemistry that makes up your pool water. For example, you should know what pH level is too low or high and what can happen if you don’t correct it. Plus, you don’t want these chemicals in your swimming pool.

The water chemistry is constantly changing in your swimming pool. To properly balance it, you need to know what the proper levels are and what pool water tests are required periodically. The pH level is a good place to start. The pH measures how acidic or basic the water is. The more acidic the water, the more it will corrode surfaces and cause irritation to your eyes, skin, and nose. The pH of pool water should be around 7.2. If it is too high or too low, you can correct the balance of the water.

swimming pool care

You should use test strips to determine the pH level. These strips are more accurate than a meter, and they’re easy to use. The strips will turn a certain color depending on the pH level. You can purchase these at any pool store or online. They are simple to use, too. Just dip them in the water until they change color, and then compare the strip to the chart that came with it.

You will also need to test the total alkalinity

Alkalinity is what protects your pool and keeps it sanitized. It is the chemical in the water that keeps bacteria and viruses from growing. If you have a low alkalinity level, you increase your chances of getting sick. The total alkalinity should be around 80. If yours is too high or too low, you can do a water exchange by draining off 3 to 5 percent of your pool water and replacing it. This will lower your total alkalinity. You can discover this information regarding the exact numbers on the web.

The chlorine levels are important too

You need to check the levels regularly to make sure you always have enough. It provides the sanitization that your pool needs. The right amount of chlorine is important. If there isn’t enough, the water can become unsanitary. But too much chlorine can be toxic and cause your skin to burn. If the level is too low, you can increase the chlorine by adding more of it to your pool water. You should always have a chlorine test kit close by so you can test your chlorine.

cost of swimming pool care

Always test your water to ensure that it’s safe

The pH, total alkalinity, and chlorine levels are the most important things to check on in your swimming pool. If you notice that something is off with the water, you need to correct it immediately. If you don’t, the water can become unsafe to swim in. Your pool water is important, so make sure you keep it clean and safe. Contact your local pool store for more information or help with any pool care questions that you may have.

So, you can see that water chemistry is not as complicated as it seems. If you follow the steps above, you will know how to manage your pool’s chemistry. These tips should keep your water chemistry within safe levels for swimmers.